Lisa Kiang

Professor of Psychology
Greene Hall 446
(336) 758-5750
My research reflects the intersection of self and identity, family and social relationships, and race and ethnicity. Within this broad framework, the bulk of my work has focused on ethnic-racial identity among adolescents from minoritized backgrounds, and how its development is shaped by social relationships and context.
The overarching goals of my research program aim to promote positive adjustment and well-being, particularly in the face of negative experiences and discrimination. My approach has included diverse methods and a range of analytical techniques (e.g., experimental paradigms, surveys, daily diaries, focus groups, qualitative interviews).
Primary themes include: (1) establishing ethnic-racial identity as positive resources in development, (2) understanding the developmental impact of sociocultural stress (e.g., ethnic-racial discrimination, stereotypes, social rejection), (3) contextual approaches to self and identity development, and (4) developmental trajectories of identity and well-being.
Selected Publications:
Kiang, L., Lopez Alvarez, D., Lassiter, R., & Nixon, B. “Ew, what’s that smell?” (in press) Asian Americans’ experiences of culinary racism. Asian American Journal of Psychology.
Witkow, M., Kiang, L., & Thompson, T. L. (2024). Unpacking the model minority stereotype: Different pathways to self-esteem through internalized stereotypes of hard work and innate intelligence. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 15, 134-145.
Kiang, L., Christophe, N. K., Stein, G. L., Stevenson, H. C., Jones, S. C. T., Chan, M., & Anderson, R. E. (2023). Ethnic-racial identity and socialization competency: How minoritized parents “Walk the Talk”. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 29, 493-502.
Kiang, L., Martin Romero, M. Y., Coard, S. I., Gonzalez, L. G., & Stein, G. L. (2023). “We’re all equal” but not really: Perceptions of racial inequity among racial-ethnic minoritized youth in the US. Journal of Adolescent Research, 38 456-492.
Patel, P., Stein, G. L., Kiang, L., Juang, L., & Cheah, C (2023). Adolescent-directed racial-ethnic socialization: Developmental processes that contribute to immigrant youth’s ability to provide racial-ethnic socialization. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 47, 454-463.